Join us for Safe Excavation and Damage Prevention Training.  

Register by August 2nd to receive a lunch ticket when you check-in.  If you register late, or not all, you may not get a lunch ticket and food may not be available.

First Responders: Enjoy Lunch with us at Noon, and receive training for first responders presented by OPAL.

Register for free for valuable training, a chance to win door prizes, and lunch!

Training Agenda

8:00 AMCheck In

Doors will open for check in and networking with sponsors, exhibitors, and other industry peers.

8:30 AM811 Certification

Presented by OKIE811

The objective of this program is to improve excavator safety through comprehensive training to prevent accidental damage to underground facilities during excavation. Course content is specific to Oklahoma and the Underground Facilities Damage Prevention Act as well as Contact Center procedures and Best Practices. There is a 25- question test at the end that must be passed with an 80% or better score for the student to receive their certification.

The chapters in this program cover:
Planning & Administration of Excavation Projects
Site Preparation & Actions for Safe Excavation
Trenching Dangers, Damages & Consequences

11:00 AMOCC Damage Prevention Team

Presented by OCC

The Oklahoma Corporation Commission serves as the enforcing authority for the Oklahoma Underground Facilities Damage Prevention Act. To enhance safety and promote compliance with the law, OCC has established a dedicated damage prevention team overseeing excavation practices near pipelines in Oklahoma. Discover the collaborative efforts between OCC and OKIE811 as we present training initiatives designed to ensure the well-being of individuals and foster adherence to regulatory guidelines.


Sponsored by Badger Daylighting

Enjoy Lunch and be sure to visit their truck on-site.

1:00 PMExcavation & Trenching Safety

Presented by Jason Bullard, Anderson Safety

This course covers OSHA standard 1926 subpart P: soil classification; sloping and benching; aluminum hydraulic shoring; requirements for protective systems; manufactured tabulated data; site specific engineering; and general requirements.

1:00 PMEmergency Response Training

Presented by OPAL

This presentation qualifies for 2 CLEET hours

Pipeline Operators lead this presentation so they can effectively engage with emergency responders, public officials, and excavation stakeholders about the basics of pipeline safety. Discussion includes damage prevention, leak recognition, response, and reporting, National Pipeline Mapping System (NPMS), and more.

3:00 PMConfined Spaces

Presented by Jason Bullard, Anderson Safety

This session addresses how to protect employees from the hazards posed by working in or around confined spaces, including requirements for training, identification and assessment of confined spaces, and rescue.

4:00 PMClosing & Door Prizes

Presented by Explorer Pipeline

Closing Safety Message and drawing for door prizes

Location Information

  • Tulsa Tech - Lemley Memorial Campus
  • 3638 S Memorial Dr, Tulsa, OK, 74145 US

Register Today

  • Register today to attend for FREE!

  • Presented by OPAL from 1PM-3:30PM

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